Pokémon Diamond & Pearl

Publisher | Nintendo |
Console | Nintendo DS |
Downloads | 9,285 |
Released | April 22, 2007 |
Rate |
Pokemon Diamond rom, along with Pokemon Pearl, is an action role-playing video game duo released by Nintendo at the same time in 2006. Developed by Game Freak and promoted by Nintendo, the game is the third generation of the cult Pokemon franchise. Pokemon Diamond was first released in the Japanese market in September 2006 and exclusively for the Nintendo DS console.
Players will continue the story as in previous Pokemon games, as Diamond describes the adventures of a young Pokémon trainer on his quest to fill up the Pokedex. At the same time, the game's sub-plot involves you stopping the plot of a criminal organization called Team Galactic. The game adds the Nintendo Internet Connection feature and introduces 107 new Pokemon for players to freely explore, collect, and train. During its lifetime, Pokemon Diamond sold 18 million copies worldwide, making it one of the most successful Pokemon games of all time.
The Story
Pokemon Diamond is set on the vast island of Sinnoh, like its predecessors. You'll still go through the familiar quests, including collecting and training Pokemon, battling Pokemon from the best trainers, challenging the top eight Gym Leaders, and defeating the most powerful Pokemon to become your champion. Become a Pokémon League Champion. In the final match, after defeating the Elite Four, you will enter a battle for survival against Cynthia, the Female Champion of the Sinnoh League. Winning against Cynthia will make you the new Pokemon champion and end the main storyline.
Parallel to the main plot, you will confront the villainous organization Team Galactic. This evil organization is plotting to use Pokemon to create a new universe of its own while destroying the existing one. To do that, they captured Pokemon Mirage and imprisoned them inside the Team Galactic Headquarters Building science lab. The organization aims to extract crystals from Pokémon to create the Red Chain, an object that can control the legendary Pokemon Dialga. With the help of Professor Rowan, and his assistant Lucas, you will use a trio of Pokemon, including Grass-type Turtwig, Fire-type Chimchar, and Water-type Piplup, to fight and defeat Team Galactic.
The game retains the role-playing gameplay with the familiar adventure elements and turn-based battles that have created the franchise's trademark. You will control your Pokemon from a third-person perspective, collect Pokemon through Pokeballs, and use the Pokemon you have collected and trained to fight and defeat the disciplines of other powerful trainers. Your attacks will drain the opponent's Pokemon's HP, and if the opponent's Pokemon runs out of HP, you win. Failed Pokemon can be revived at the Pokémon Center or with a special item. Victories earn Pokemon experience points, helping them level up, evolve, and learn new skills to become stronger.
Before participating in battles, you need to collect wild Pokemon or snag Pokemon from other trainers in battle via Pokeball. Players can have up to 6 Pokemon at a time, or more if you store them in your inventory. To successfully catch a Pokemon, you need a Pokeball with a high power value, and the Pokemon you want to catch must have a low HP. These two factors resonate with each other and will make the process of catching your Pokemon easier. Plus, you can use specific attacks to make pokemon diamond download sleep or paralyze them to collect them quickly.