Pokemon Fire Red

Publisher | Nintendo |
Console | Gameboy Advance |
Developer | Nintendo |
Downloads | 6,036 |
Released | September 07, 2004 |
Rate |
Pokemon Fire Red Rom is an adventure role-playing game produced by Nintendo in 2004. The game teamed up with LeafGreen to form the Pokemon game duo of the year, as is Nintendo's custom for this franchise. The game duo are improved versions of Pokemon Red and Blue, released a year earlier, and they were released by Nintendo for the Game Boy Advance console.
LeafGreen inherits the familiar gameplay of the Pokemon game series, where you will enjoy the adventure of exploring the vast Kanto land to collect Pokemon while participating in fierce turn-based battles with other Pokemon trainers from the top view. Throughout your adventure, you can collect new Pokemon by throwing your Pokeball. You can then nurture and evolve them to improve their power before engaging in battles. In addition, LeafGreen also offers several new features to improve the player experience, including a contextual help menu and many new areas on the map system.
The setting of Pokemon Fire Red takes place in the same vast fictional land of Kanto. It's a geographically and biologically diverse world and a place where Pokemon of all systems live in harmony with humans. Accompanying you on your trip to Kanto are Professor Oak, a famous Pokémon researcher, and his daughter, a talented Pokemon trainer. You will have to learn everything from Professor Oak, from using Pokeball to catch Pokemon, train and level up Pokemon, to control them to participate in battles with other Pokemon.
The Pokemon, after being collected, will be stored in your Pokedex. Pokedex is a high-tech encyclopedia that records all the Pokemon you own. Your task is to collect rare Pokemon to make your Pokedex more valuable. Besides, your rewards in battles with Gym Leaders are Badges, which you will use to win the right to compete in the Pokemon Championship.
Like other Pokemon games, FireRed offers a side story that parallels your Pokemon collecting journey. In the game, you will have to fight the criminal organization Team Rocket, a corporation that conspires to steal rare Pokemon to abuse its superpowers for the purpose of destroying Kanto. Defeating Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket, and recovering two artifacts, Ruby and Sapphire, is the key for you to stopping Team Rocket's plot and bringing peace to the Kanto world.
Fire Red rom focuses on intense turn-based battles between powerful Pokemon. You will observe the match from a top-down perspective and press the control buttons to let the Pokemon use its skills to attack the opponent. Each time a skill is used, the Pokemon will consume one PP point, and if the PP point is 0, the Pokemon will temporarily lose the ability to use that skill until the PP point is restored.
Besides, every time you take damage from the opponent's attacks, the Pokemon will lose the corresponding amount of HP. If the Pokemon's HP bar drops to 0, it will faint and cannot continue participating in the battle. The person who causes the opponent's Pokemon to be faint is the battle's winner, and the winner rewards the Pokemon with experience points, which help them level up, evolve, and learn new abilities.