Sonic Gems Collection

Sonic Gems Collection
Publisher Sega
Console GameCube
Developer sega
Downloads 3,128
Released August 16, 2005

Sonic Gems Collection is a compilation game released by Sega in 2005. The game includes several Sonic the Hedgehog games that were not widely available at the time of their original release, as well as some additional content.

Game play


The game features nine games in total, including Sonic CD, Sonic the Fighters, and Sonic R. Sonic CD is widely considered to be one of the best Sonic games of all time, and its inclusion in the collection is a definite highlight. Sonic the Fighters and Sonic R, while not as critically acclaimed, are still enjoyable additions to the collection.

In addition to the games, Sonic Gems Collection includes several additional features, such as a museum mode where players can view artwork and other content related to the Sonic series. The game also includes a variety of unlockable content, including additional characters and artwork.

Special Features


One of the downsides of Sonic Gems Collection is that some of the games included in the collection have not aged particularly well. Sonic R, in particular, suffers from clunky controls and awkward camera angles. However, the collection as a whole is still a great way to experience some of the lesser-known Sonic games.

Graphics And Sound

The graphics and sound in Sonic Gems Collection are generally good, with updated visuals and sound for the older games included in the collection. The game also includes some new remixes of classic Sonic tunes, which are a nice addition.


Sonic Gems Collection is a solid compilation game that offers a chance to experience some of the lesser-known Sonic games. While some of the games have not aged particularly well, the inclusion of Sonic CD and additional content make this a worthwhile purchase for fans of the series.